Tiodize T8E – 1400°F Lubricative Anti-Seize Greases
These three anti-seize products (T8E, T8G, and T8H) all have the same unique inorganic pigments and are designed to be used as an aid for the installation and removal of threaded fasteners which are exposed to temperatures up to 1400°F for long periods of time.
All three Products are completely inorganic and do not contain any sulfur producing materials, nor any metallics, such as silver or nickel.
- T8E Paste, T8E-G Light Grease, and T8E-H Grease, are approved by aircraft engine manufactures, gas turbine, and steam turbine companies.
- T8E PASTE is a water base product. When applied, parts should be assembled within 45 minutes.
- T8E-G LIGHT GREASE is suspended in 7808 engine oil. This increases the shelf life, will not dry out, and allows for ease of application.
- T8E-H GREASE is a heavier grease and is designed to replace graphite petrolatum grease (GE Spec A50TF201), especially for use at temperatures to 1400°F